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Stay on with a Koha version

Par : Vimal
17 janvier 2020 à 13:36
Koha releases a new version every six months (May and November). The current version is called stable and previous version is called oldstable. The code names stable or oldstable should be mention in the Koha Debian software repository line at the time of installation. For example,
After six months the current version of Koha changes to the latest release. Koha users can't stick on with a particular version by using the code name stable and oldstable in Koha repository. 

A Koha version has 18 months maintenance period. Koha users can stay with a specific version by using the version number (e.g. 19.11). Users can receive the updates during the period until the version expiry (18 months).

Add the version number in Debian Koha repository to stick on with the specific release; e.g.

echo 'deb 19.11 main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list

Koha on Debian

Koha versioning